Lighting Retrofit
As funny as it may sound, Some power company’s is willing to give you a financial incentive to use less energy. If you retrofit your current lighting to more energy efficient lamps and electronic ballasts, Some power company’s will pay for a portion of the cost to do so. They pay for a portion of the change, and you save money every month on your electric bill. Plus you provide better light for your employees and customers, increasing productivity and sales.
Why are they doing this? Participating power company’s believes that it is more cost effective to provide incentives to conserve energy than to construct new electricity generating facilities. Decreasing demand extends their capacity, ensuring a healthy energy supply for the region’s future growth. Eventually, this offer will expire.
It’s Easy Being GREEN!
Many of our customers are able to take advantage of incentives from The power company when they install new lighting equipment
If you are interested, here is what you have to do. Once you give us permission, we survey your facility and count up all the different types and quantities of lighting you have. We take our fixture counts back to our office, We come back to you with some lighting suggestions, an estimate of the cost to upgrade your lighting, information on if you qualify for an incentive, an estimate of monthly savings, and a payback time frame.
If you like what you see we then come in and swap out the lighting. That’s really all there is to it.The result is that not only are you saving money on your power bill, you enhance your employees’ comfort, productivity, and efficiency with better lighting. If this sounds like something you are interested in looking into, please give Paul May a call to set up a free no-obligation appointment to review your options.